
This past week I've been home from work, coughing up my last lung... grimacing at what's been coming up out of my throat, blowing my nose, taking any drugs and cough sizzurp (yes I said sizzurp) I can get my hands on, whining and cursing my illness for I haven't been this sick, in a long time. ... I feel a lot better and felt inspired enough to compose a witty blog post. But, I just realized that today is April 12, and I haven't done my damn taxes yet. ... Shit. Maybe I should get on that like, now before The Man shakes me down hardcore.


Anonymous said...

Get better soon, m'dear! I too have been sick, on and off, for the last 2 months. And I'm with you on the sinus thing, I have it too.

Misery loves company! Come by for coffee soon I'd love to sit and chat with ya :)

Anonymous said...


Next time:

Juice of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon real maple syrup or molasses
dash of paprika
8 ounces water

I only just saw your Xmas greeting at my MySpace site last week! I'm pathetic!

BeautyinBaltimore said...

Glad you are back Coffee and don't play with Uncle Sam. I hope you get a very large refund.

Dee said...

did mine online
worked out great
feel better soon
and consider hospitalization if things get too rough

Chryssy said...

Coffey Cake!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

OMG, I hear ya...I've been sick too and FINALLY feel way better now. Glad to see you stopped by the other day. MISS YA!!!