Le sigh

Sigh, sigh, sigh, sigh, sigh, sigh, squeezes eyes shut, sigh, rubs temples, sigh, sigh, opens mouth to say something, sigh, angrily swipes at eyes again, sigh, heavier sigh, sigh, sighs, sigh, sighed, can't stop sighing, mouth tenses up, sigh, sigh, sigh, what the hell?sigh, sigh, pulling it together, sigh, lifts back, sigh, sits up straight, sigh, blows nose for tenth time, sigh, curses, sigh, rolls eyes, sigh, FML, sigh, calls horrible names, ohmmm, sigh, ohmmmmm, sigh, sigh, gnashes teeth together, counts, ohmmms again and sigh. 
That's all I've got right now. 
To be continued... 


Jill said...

Yes, affirmative, amen, nods, agrees, claps, high fives, etc.

amy said...

I have days like that sometimes.