
I was going to wait... But spilling open and saying this out loud and into the universe will make it that much more serious and my desire for it, even realer. It's long overdue, I'm researching, trying to brainstorm, figuring out the details of making Coffee Rhetoric, into Coffee Rhetoric, Inc. As I continue to pound the pavement and keep my resolve and frustration intact, I am mulling over the ins and outs of making my own opportunity manifest and putting my creativity to good use. Perhaps I'll use this blog as a way to promote myself, or I may even start a separate (but relative) entity.
Details to be announced soon as I iron them out. There're goals to ponder, guinea pigs to be victimized, papers to rustle... so forth and so on. ... I went to the library yesterday to research public relations/marketing strategies and ideas, but unfortunately it has become a place for the seedy and the beady-eyed to call home. Wall-to-wall trash... bottom of the barrel variety. Wading through that cesspool was exhausting... nevertheless, ideas are percolating!
*sigh* This is real.

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