This past week coupled with this present week has been rather
interesting, to say the least. For 3 consecutive days in a row, I've slept under a full moon... literally hovering o'er my head, just outside my window, In all its resplendent glory. I don't know if my moon has anything to do with the strange haps, but I'm convinced that I'm the only one who proceeds through life as if I'm an unwilling cast member in some Twilight Zone episode. Let's explore this short (but indelible) diary of occurrences. Shall we? Oh let's!
Saturday, 5:15PM: As I was walking from the bus stop in front of Bushnell Park, en route to my apartment building a couple of blocks away, a shuttle driver pulls over and implores me to hop on for a free ride. I told him I was only mere inches away from my building, but he insisted. He said he wanted to "kidnap" me, so I rode the loop downtown with him. During the course of the ride, he suggested that I take some of the brochures from off the dash to read about the latest and greatest the city was offering. I obliged him, fully aware of his motivation. I stood up quickly, snatched some literature up, and sat down just as quickly. Seconds later, Driver would remark, "I just wanted you to stand up, so I can look," to which I remarked dryly, "I know. I figured I'd humor you, and let you get a quick peek. " Embarrassed and surprised by my response, he chuckled and said nothing more.
Monday, mid-Afternoon: The Fire Marshall is scheduled to come test the museum's fire alarm system. It's difficult for him to focus on the matter at hand, because he finds my scent alluring. So alluring in fact, that he keeps sidling next to me and sniffing me. Deep inhalations of breath. While the few who notice, stand by, looking flummoxed by his behavior. He suggests that I work behind a cage, because men such as himself, are likely to pounce on me for smelling so good. I shrug indifferently. And manage a tight smile... or was it a grimace?
His task complete, the Fire Marshall heads out and on his way. But not before walking over to where I'm working for one last, hearty sniiiiiiiiifffffff.
Wednesday, 9:15 AM, This Hallow's Eve: As I'm standing at the bus stop, a white man (attractive and rather sane looking) around my age walks by me, towards the Holiday Inn Express... on his cell phone. Not finding what or who he seems to be looking for, he heads back in the opposite direction from whence he came but not before stopping and telling me how much he likes my shoes. In fact, the conversation went as follows ...
- Perv: Hi, I really like your shoes. They're so hot.
- Me (hiding behind large, dark shades): Thanks
- Perv: They're smokin' Hot. They're so sexy. Listen, I'm sorta into shoes. Well... I have a bit of a shoe fetish.
- Me: Do you, now?
- Perv: Yes. Um, actually, can I take a picture of your shoes. They look so hot.
- Me: No.
- Perv: Please? I really like them. They look so hot on you. I would love to take a picture of them.
- Me (considering an asking price): Umm. No.
- Perv: Okay. Sorry to bother you. Have a great day. Bye!
Until this morning, I honestly didn't think my existence and interaction with the male populace could get any stranger. ...
I don't know if my moon has anything to do with the strange haps, but I'm convinced that I'm the only one who proceeds through life as if I'm an unwilling cast member in some Twilight Zone episode.
LOL LOL LOL LOL OMG Coffee Cake (yum) you explained my life in a nut shell. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
And you should seriously consider writing a novel or something. Your wording is "Poetic Justice" (yes, I liked that movie) but SERIOUSLY, you make a great read.
And stay a while longer next time with the Cheetos, would ya? Your drive byes are too fast. LOL LOL LOL
If you've got a hot bod and dudes want it you should be appreciative instead of complaining about it!!! Isn't that all we women are good for, anyway? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA LOL!!!
You kill me with these loserly perv stories!!! hahahahaha
I'm glad that you're sexy, but clearly you're going to have to hold on just a little bit tighter to that pepper spray...
;) Cat
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