I don't know... it DEPENDS.

Okay, so despite my previous post about me taking my f'ed up tv in stride, I am pissed. I ain't even gon' sugar coat it anymore. No, I am still not going to fight this ridiculous battle, but I am already starting to get the shakes... symptons of withdrawal. Yesterday when I got home from work, I read while listening to music. The book is great (Drinking Coffee Elsewhere by ZZ Packer)- The music was soothing (Liz Wright)- but I couldn't focus. I kept looking at the clock, thinking about the shows I was missing. 30 Minute Meals with Rachael Ray, Cold Case Files, Access Hollywood.... ahhh Once 8:00 rolled around, I was a complete wreck... okay I wasn't a wreck, but I was feeling pretty damn sad. 8pm... that's America's Next Top Model. (sigh) oh well. I simply just went back to my book and was successful at blocking out my sick obssession with pop-culture. On a completely different note, I am so excited that the weather is warming up. New England can be pretty brutal and I was starting to get worried becauset we were having snow storms through mid March and we'd had a couple flood warnings a week or so ago, due to torrential rainfall. In any event, the weather was absolutely gawgeous yesterday. It was about 70 degrees. After lunch, I went out for a walk and while out, I stopped in CVS pharmacy for a giant Hershey's Symphony chocolate bar, a can of Starbucks double-shot espresso, and a pack of Orbit gum. I browsed the cosmetics aisle a little bit and had to force myself not to buy anymore lipgloss (I need more lipgloss like I need a hole in the head). I pried my hand away from the Bonnie Bell lip quenchers and went over to look in the 99cent bin when, behind me, I heard a rather interesting conversation that went as follows... "I don't know, these Depends wont fit. I need a small" "This is fine. Just get these." "But these will be too big, I need a small!" With a smirk on my face, I did an inconspicuous half turn and saw a white elderly couple. A small old lady with her husband. Tee hee. They were having a debate about what size Depends she should buy. The lady seemed to be concerned that the adult diapers that were on the shelf might be a tad too big for her and she insisted that she needed a small. I looked at my watch and realized that I had just taken a 2 hour lunch break! I muttered a scatological term under my breath, and made a move towards the cash register to pay for my items- (gotta remember that I'm not in Europe where two hour lunch breaks are common). As I turned to leave, the elderly lady intercepted my path and said, "excuse me, can you help me?" I just assumed that she needed me to get something off of the top shelf, but instead she said, "I need the Depends in a small. Can you go to the back and see if you can find one." Now keep in mind, I am looking quite chic in large hoop earrings, black wide-leg slacks, a black v-neck 3 quarter length shirt, and pointy toed flats. I am not, wearing a sky blue CVS Pharmacy polo. I felt mildly insulted sprinkled with a dash of amusement. I smugly smiled at the woman and said in a saccharine tone, "I don't work here hon." She was clearly embarrassed and said, "Ohhhh" hahaha. Coincidentally enough, just around the corner, I spied a CVS employee restocking the shelf. I called him over for the lady and told him that she needed help. The woman was so embarrassed and beckoned him down towards her mouth as she whispered what her need was. Interesting. I don't know what made her think that I worked there. In any event. I thought that whole incident was quite funny and in some sick, masochistic way, it made my day.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Coffee!! Like you said about another thing, TV Isn't Everything! TV Isn't Every Thing! (I know, It's damn close, but it is not the end of the world. Some of us go without Television for days, Weeks, Mon... Umm.. Scratch that last one.. :LOL:

Jodie said...

Some elderly people are just helpless and lost. And likely to ask any friendly face for help...apparently I have one of those faces. Maybe you did that day. :)

TiffJ said...

You're probably right... I was just taken off guard. hahahaha. It's actually pretty funny.
Thanks for responding.