Exotic Fragrance Redux!

A couple of weeks ago, I blogged about the smellnificent, creamy soft wonders of Exotic Fragrance perfume oils and shea butter... a Hartford-based company owned by Zaahir Qawi. I've corresponded with him several times since then and spoke to him on the phone, only to find a pleasant and driven business man working hard to hustle- (to much fanfare as illustrated by the initial email I received, that made me privy to his business)- my favorite type of products to use! Since that time I've discovered that Zaahir is in the process of checking out rental spaces in the area, so as to have a store front for us Hartford folk to frequent for high-grade perfume oils, incense, oil burners and natural products for skin and hair.
In the interim and to appease all you fine readers who inquired about Zaahir's products and for those who are just plain ol' interested, he was generous enough to offer a Coffee Rhetoric discount... Order from Exotic Fragrance and save 10% off your order! Are you stoked?? I am! I like Amber Cream, Egyptian Swirl, and Rihanna's Reb'l Fleur (much to my surprise) myself and I've gotten a lot of compliments from wanted and unwanted admirers, but I digress. I use raw shea butter by the tubs and he just got batches of fresh raw shea in- (Shea butter is magical. Trust)- after having been sold out. The Coffee Rhetoric discount is from him to you. Get on it! 
--> Exotic Fragrance Coffee Rhetoric Discount
That is all. 


Anonymous said...

I just received my 2 samples and OMG the fragrance of the 2 are WONDERFUL! I'm definitely going to use the discount. I think I'm hooked. I'm not giving up the name of the fragrance I got because I don't want to walk around smelling like anyone else, but it's a fragrance you wouldnt' think smelled good, and it smells like soap like I just stepped out the shower. Well Tiff I guess you are the go to person for what's good in Hartford. I will be placing my order for this oil fragrance and tub o' shea this week.


TiffJ said...

Honestly, the quality of the oils and shea butter is outstanding! Would never endorse anything unless I was truly a fan! I'll have to guess which fragrance you MAY be referring to, and check it out for myself :-)