a hulking figure...
completely cloaked in the anonymity of darkness,
blocked the last remnants of the sun, which was
already struggling against Winter's soulstice.
it extended an inky arm and casually placed it on my shoulder...
i stood silent, in a meditative state,
determined not to break my concentration...
to no avail. at least during this round.
i wonder what would have happened had i
caught the last remnants of the sun shower
and drenched myself. if only I hadn't been distracted.
i'd be at one with my chi...
i'd be writhing around, in a passionate embrace
at the temple of my familiar,
as opposed to drifting in a desolate matrix...
caught between space, time, perception, and...
trying to play catch up with my center.
i'm beginning to loathe the mechanics of time travel.
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