Lust and food

Oh Chicken Sushi... how I long for thee, onemogin. ...


Unknown said...

I've never had sushi, let alone CHICKEN sushi - didn't even know it existed LOL

But I can totally understand equating a favourite dish with lust - I get that way around Thai food LOL

Anonymous said...

What is chicken sushi? Never had sushi, in its verbal context, but am interested to know!

TiffJ said...

@Jenner: Oh man... sushi is deelish! Loves some fresh Tuna Maki. **shuddering from the thought**

@Shell and Kermit: Chicken Sushi was this dish I had at an Asian Bistro downtown where I live, called Feng. It was divine! The chicken is beautifully season/marinated? and then baked. And it comes with steamed or sauteed vegetables and white sushi rice that's wrapped in seaweed.

mmmmmmm. YUM!!

Anonymous said...

Chicken sushi is an inventive dish that the folks at Feng (fab restaurant, by the way!) have decided to try out. I'm sure it's for those that aren't as likely to find a sushi dish that they'd like. However, whether you're a die-hard sushi fan or not it's hard not to enjoy this creative and tasty treat! If you like other Japanese food that is served hot (chicken teriyaki, anyone?) then you'd enjoy this! It's unique blend of flavors is just divine. I intend to order it the next time we go out, Coffey!

;) Cat

Unknown said...

I've always been reluctant to try sushi because I HAAAAAAAAAAAAATE FISH. But I WOULD try this. Especially after you & Cat talking about how good it is.

I just had boiled skinless chicken breast & lentils for lunch. And then I come here & read all THIS.....DAMN IT. 'slike I didn't eat at ALL. I'm starving all over again..............LOLOLOLOLOL

Melissa said...

I've never heard of chicken sushi either but I LOVE sushi too! I would probably adore this dish (then again, what *don't* I like?). reminds me of this one roll at a spot here in oc - but made with a seared piece of beef, not chicken. good good stuff.

god now I want sushi for dinner and I already took out meat to defrost this morning. ah well.