As I stare up and out of the window, from behind my laptop's monitor, I see that the three celestial bodies are indeed, aligned.
There is a perfect full moon this evening. It's rumored
(based on folklore and superstition, not fact) that full moons tend to be the cause of eccentric behavior and strange situations.
Perhaps it was the moon, luminscent and voluptuous this evening, that rendered a man speechless when he upon seeing me.
I ran an errand today after work and had about fifteen minutes to kill afterward, before my scheduled bus was slated to arrive, so I decided to browse about the stores at a nearby shopping plaza.
As I stood in one spot, poring over an item or two, an attractive and pleasantly accented black man, wearing a
Fedex uniform approached me. War face on... I scowled slightly at him for interrupting my thoughts. In a low voice he said,
"Excuse me, I walked by and saw you and I just had to say hi."
"Oh" I replied, slightly annoyed... "
Hi" and I went back to my browsing. He walked off, and then backtracked.
"I'm so sorry to bother you, but the way you look... oh my god. Do you have someone waiting for you in the car?"
"Why?" I asked suspiciously.
"I'm was so scared" he replied.
"I don't want to upset anybody. But I had to come back and say hi."
Interested in a brief exchange I decided to answer,
"Are you seeing anybody?"
It took me a split second before I decided to lie.
"Yes, I am" I said regretfully, so as not to make him feel bad.
"Oh my. Tell him I said good luck!" he said... breathless... and walked off to pay for his purchases... but then he backtracked again.
"Where are you from?" he asked.
"Here" I said, matter-of-factly.
"You look Kenyan" he remarked.
"The way you look. Ohmygod."
Now I was amused... as I don't think I've ever rendered any men speechless with my mere presence. I felt like I was re-enacting a scene from the movie,
Coming to America.
"Where are you from?" I asked.
"Uganda" he answered.
"I am imagining myself out of my uniform, dressed nicely... with you on my arm, showing you off. I'm so sorry, but. Oh my. I need to go."
At this point, I couldn't help smiling from ear to ear.
"Can I wait for you outside" he began...
"so I can talk to you?"
"I'm sorry" I said politely.
"I don't have any time." Which was actually the truth.
"Oh my" he said, breathless, yet again.
"I can only date one person at once." I told him... taking my lie to yet, the next level.
"Ohhhh nooo. He said. You can do more than one." then he remarked... "Ohhh, I should go. Oh my!"
I looked to my immediate right and saw a young couple smirking at the exchange.
I would have probably given this man the time of day, but my gut... my "third eye" led me to believe that this man was NOT single. I've decided to always go with my initial gut instinct, as I've gotten into sticky situations due to my ignoring it.
My gut was gurgling big time... so I didn't expound on the exchange and let it taper off. Besides. I don't relish the thought of getting cut by an angry Ugandan wife, but I feel compelled to admit, this was a tremendous boost to my ego and femininity.
Not only is it a full moon, but it is a full moon in Leo. Work it! We're supposed to be smoking between know and Saturday.
shit, now.
I am sooo not mad at YOU!
Go Coffee go Coffee.
Go'on 'head witcha baaaaad self, mama! That's so hot, man! I'm glad this guy knew how hot you were and just felt compelled to praise you like he should! ;)
Don't fight your gut...I find that it's VERY, VERY RARE that your instincts are ever wrong...
- Cat
Yowza, woman! They always say it's when you're not looking for it - ie not all dressed up at the club or whatever, that you get the most attention - BUT if your gut told you no, then that's good you listened.
But that's still hot! LOL
Even if nothing was to come of the encounter, it was still amusing and flattering at the same time.
I've never rendered anyone speechless... not in that capacity anyway. But yes... the ol' gut rarely ever lies. I've learned to not ignore it ever again.
tis true the gut never lies and better that you trust yours. but damn. :) way to go on stopping him in his tracks. then again, I've already told you, as have others, that your eyes alone would make me stop in mine! rock it woman!
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