I've been thinking...

It has been a few days since my last post. Life has been busy! I've finally been able to sit down and catch my breath. *exhales deeply* I feel inclined to admit that those chores I was supposed to've completed in my last post didn't get completed. I basically sat around and watched movies. I made up for most of them, but am left with having to do laundry this afternoon. *sighs heavily* The olde birthday is this Tuesday. I'll be a paltry 29 years old. I have nothing profound or exciting planned for this day. Oddly enough, the only thing I'd like to have in addition to continued health and good skin, is a box of birthday cupcakes. I've been thinking about cupcakes a lot lately. So much so, that I can literally taste them... all moist and frosty. I could very easily, polish off at least four of them in one sitting. One more year, and I will be the big 3-0. 30... such a solid, nicely rounded out number. I can hardly wait. I've added a calendar and christened it, Countdown to 30. I will also add other noteworthy events up until that time... feel free to click the calendar icon, and add your two cents worth as well! I'm always interested to learn what other people are doing with their lives. Anyway, I've also been productive in my chosen art. I've been writing a bit more consistently in my free time, The Uprising was featured as Story of the Week on the LiterateNubian website, so I am still quite excited about that. I've also been pondering over a lot of things in my free time... which is nothing new. Ofttimes, I dream while my eyes are wide open. Some things I've been wondering about?...
Why I am caught up in the rapture of Flavor of Love? Season 2 has kicked-off, and the show is the hottest piece of trash (literally and figuratively) that has ever graced my tv. I thought the trainwreck called Being Bobby Brown was something else, but Flavor of Love takes the cake. This season the "blackchelor" has, once again, come up with innovative nicknames for this fresh series of bottom-feeders. Bootz, Spunkeey, Somethin', Buckwild, Toastee, and Like Dat are just a few of the clever noms he's branded them with. The women are skankier, raunchier, tran-tastic, and 'right stupider. One skank got beat about the head and face within five minutes of entering the house when she stepped to a bird from Crenshaw for taking her bed. Baaad mistake on her part. Crenshaw (who didn't even get the honor of being branded with a clever nick) was manually (and immediately) removed from the premises, the other skank, who became known as H-Town, was sent packing when she found herself sans clock at the conclusion of the episode. I wont comment on how (or why) Somethin' proceeded to have a bowel movement on the floor. NEXT, please. I wont touch that with a ten foot pole. So yes... I wonder why I can't stop watching this show. I'll keep pondering that one. I've also been wondering why Godiva's coffee sampler costs $18. You only get five packs of flavored coffee. I've had them before (on someone else's dime of course), and I'm still wondering why the company finds it necessary to charge that much for a few packs of flavored coffee. Dunkin Donuts provides a whopping pound of take away for a fraction of that cost. I'm not into flavored coffee, but know I where to find some fragrant French Vanilla if the craving hits for something other than my usual, strong, dark brew. It ain't at Godiva, that's for sure. Other things I'm curious about? Well, I'm wondering why these Christian Louboutin shoes aren't in my life? Actually the fact that I live on the cusp of poverty, and these luxury French beauts cost about one month's rent, and would present me with homelessness and despair, if I dared to indulge, is the cut and dry answer to that question... that doesn't make it any more just, however. Oh well, a woman can dream. *sighs heavily* I've also been wondering why Rachel Zoe, stylist and personal shopper extraordinaire to Hollywood's emaciated and hungry, thinks it's okay to fake-bake and have horribly aged (beyond her years) skin as opposed to eating regular meals and having that healthy glow? I guess being a bony fashionista with bad, orange tinged skin, is the payoff she's been cashing in on. Lastly, I was sent some rather interesting pictures via my email about a week ago... all of them presented my nephew in various stages of posturing, and I was a little flummoxed as to why he decided to take a chomp out of this little girl's face... But then I was made aware that he was just planting one of his signature, sloppy kisses.
So yes, these are the things I've been pondering, and they certainly wont be the only issues I decide to waste brain matter on. That's it.


JUST ME said...

Flavor of Love both grosses me out and hypnotizes me into watching it...

I just cannot, CANNOT, imagine making out with Flava Flav.

...he's shruken.

Anonymous said...

flava of love....
rachel zoe......

where do i begin?
lets start with the cupcakes

Unknown said...

OMG.........both your nephew and that little girl have to be THE CUTEST kids I have ever seen........and yeah, gotta be a kiss, bcs the little girl doesn't look terrified enough.....

Also, re: Flavour of Love - I don't have cable, but I watch what I can on youtube - bcs it is ADDICTIVE - and I can't really say why it's so addictive, but I'll say this - I ALSO ADORE SPRINGER. 'Nuff said...........

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, you're so funny about the shoes; check it out, I blogged the same thing! Same pair?????


And ditto what Jennifer said; those are the cutest kids I've seen all day!