M.I.A.- The second coming of Neneh Cherry?

MIA Galang I like this song and this video. And the CD Arular is fantastic, different, and cutting edge. I would advise against watching this video if you're under the influence of drugs, however.


swirlogirl said...

as soon as i saw this video i bought the album immediately. loves it!!

TiffJ said...

Isn't this album spectacular!
I saw the video for "Bucky Gun Done" several months ago, and needed this CD in my life!

swirlogirl said...

hells yeah! it's so good it makes me feel filthy! ahaha

swirlogirl said...

hells yeah! it's so good it makes me feel filthy! ahaha

Anonymous said...

what ever happened to the Bay City Rollers?

TiffJ said...

Who are the Bay City Rollers? lol. *shrinks away from question*