I Touch Lives...

... or I simply irritate people with certain ones of my blog entries. As bloated heir to a multi-billion dollar fortune, Brandon Davis accused of Lindsay Lohan, I don't even have a fire crotch. I do have a fire tongue and a wicked pen, however, and am quite flattered that the things I mention on my blog, incite people to mild annoyance. That means the writing is doing its job. Allow me to exploit the following exchange that my entry "Don't Sweat The Fug Stuff" instigated. Why? Because I'm tired, my eyelids are heavy... yet I feel compelled to blog, but I smell of baby vomit, and can't concentrate on the initial content I planned on sharing with the masses, because wafts of sour baby formula is making me delirious with nausea. Plus, this is far more interesting. P.S. Happy Belated 666.
Chris said...

Wow, if a person didn't know better, it would appear that you did care, considering how much time, effort, energy, and space you managed to waste on a seemingly insignificant occurrence. Are you sure you didn't misread her reaction? Didn't you say it was close to closing, maybe she was in a rush to get out and didn't want to inconvenience you as you probably had things to take care of as well. And what's with the dig at the boyfriend, what did he do to you? Too much hate in the world as is, shouldn't spend the energy to spread more.

2:07 AM
Anonymous said...

Well Chris, you don't know better. - Cyet

9:12 AM
Coffey0072 said...

Hi Chris. Thanks for reading my blog and commenting. I feel compelled to respond to your comment and make you aware that this is MY forum. Being that it is, I reserve the right to waste as much energy as I deem necessary to purge the things that I'd like to get out on here. You weren't there. I was however, and I think I know when someone is going out of their way to snub me. Particularly since I nodded an acknowledgment to her and she looked away quickly, and rushed by and repeated the same childish behaviour during her exit. I'm not hateful... Impatient and antagonistic? Maybe. I'm more amused by her behaviour. This blog entry hardly constitutes my spreading hate. It takes two seconds to wave to someone you know, it's called MANNERS and common courtesy. I wasn't interested in catching up w/ her. I would like to suggest that if my commentary offends you so, then keep it moving and don't "waste the energy" commenting. Overall, I do appreciate you offering another perspective. I do, really. I do. ;o)

4:01 PM
Chris said...

I really wasn't offended by your commentary, I was just noting the paradox between what you deem as an insignificant event and the amount of emotion you put forth in your writing. But then again, this is just another prime example of how seemingly small situations become completely blown out of proportion.

12:52 AM
Coffey0072 said...

What can I say, I have a flair for the dramatic, I love it, it's great! Paradox noted, end of discussion. ;o) P.S. I like the way you challenge the things I say on here. It's dead sexy

11:05 AM
Chris said...

Well, I try. I remember you from college, too bad we didn't have this sort of exchange then.

11:01 PM
Coffey0072 said...

Hm. I actually figured you were someone from "that place" hahaha. I'm not surprised. Don't know who you may be or how you found this blog, but thanks for reading and offering your feedback.

11:31 PM
My curiosity is piqued. Who are you Chris? How about emailing me (if you feel so inclined to do so) and revealing yourself. If not, then I shall forever, remain clueless and you in the shadows.. which will probably keep things far more interesting and sexy, anyway.


Gina said...

I remember this guy and thinking to myself that you have the patience of a Saint to keep responding to him...I touch lives was VERY appropo.

Anonymous said...

bitch I love your ass...do whatcha do..

emeralda said...

i dont' knwo why we even read blogs, seriously. it is such a waste of time. but then again. what is not

haha chris! maybe he is THE MAN!!!! who KNOWS!!!! haahah

Unknown said...

i saw "sexy" and something about wishing something in college.

oh yea...do your thing Chris

(you know i had to say something...)