The Fight

I feel like I've come undone a little bit.. I feel discombobulated... slightly unraveled, like an old sweater... I feel like a misunderstood warrior princess, fighting a tireless battle.. I feel like the second coming of Sekhmet... surviving to remain fit... vengeance born out of necessity, In spite of the fire that's burning at my core.

And while disingenuous personalities ail me,

I’ve opted to count to ten and disengage.

This has prompted me to become amused by

it all. I will save my energy…

and wreak havoc accordingly, with stealth.

MI:0072- The Spook Who hovered and then

slammed through the door.

I've consulted Hathor and asked

for her opinion on such matters...

and now a calm lucidity has settled me.


Amadeo said...

When clothes are worn and tattered they're often the most comfortable and cherised articles we own.

Anonymous said...

could you please post some pics of you wearing your warrior outfit??
i see a lot of straps, buckles and shiny stuff...

Anonymous said...

and lets not forget the cleavage!!!!!

cleavage is your friend!