Don't sweat the fug stuff...

I make it a habit not to give credence (or a platform on my forum) to those insignificant people who've made an insignificant impact on my life, but a recent incident... as recently as today... has deemed it necessary that I make an acception.

So this is a memo of sorts.

Today, as I was covering at the sister museum (the museum that is managed by the historical facility where I work full-time)- an old college acquaintance happened by, with her significant other. I was actually multi-tasking at the front desk... talking on the phone and looking up information, when they stumbled through the door at around 3:30pm. She glanced at me, and made haste up the stairs.

I didn't make much of her attitude, as I was preoccupied.

When they came downstairs about 15 minutes later, she glanced at me briefly and barely muttered "thanks" as she rushed out. She seemed somewhat nervous that I was actually going to engage her in conversation... She was beside herself, in fact. Memo to her: I'm not all that keen on the wishy-washy, unless it's my laundry (and I don't fancy having to do that either). That particular brand of personality is not my bag, so you needn't have worried. I had no intention of engaging you or your portly lover in conversation. You didn't have to rush by the information desk in a flurry, nearly tripping over yourself, as I don't beg people... particularly disinterested parties... for chat. Your behaviour was really, quite pathetic and amusing. I needed that comic relief, I had a rough morning laden with ferocious dogs and a wikkid cramp up my calf, as I walked to work.

Anyway, I'm doing quite well in my life, thanks for not asking. There was no need for you to hurry by, barely maintaining eye contact due to the fact that you were afraid that I'd actually engage you in small talk. Nothing could be further from the truth, as I haven't given you a second thought, love. X college is, for the most part, a distant memory to me, as are faces and names, so don't flatter yourself. I am quite amused that you felt compelled to pretend not to recognize me- (not withstanding the fact that when we attended X college, you were quite personable towards me, because we were the only ones from Y town in CT and you found comraderie in that knowledge)- but, love, your behaviour was for nowt, as I wasn't interested in talking to you at length... I did nod an acknowledgment at you, much to your chagrin. I think it’s sweet that you presumed to think you were that important and I was that eager. I guess you thought I had a pleading look in my eyes, when I glanced in your direction... that was amusement love. I wish you the best in your endeavors anyhow. You're cute in your immaturity.


That being said, people, if you’ve met my acquaintance in another life, and you want to play the “I don’t know you” card… you needn’t put on such a huge production, as I could care one way or the other. I am an adult and I don’t play those sorts of games. I graduated high school in 1996 and have no need to beat that dead horse. Please save yourselves the trouble… I’m not going to sweat you. If you are an adult, however, and you fancy saying hello, then by all means, engage me.


Anonymous said...

Well, Sweetheart, when that gal comes outta her messy and idiotic immaturity level and finds this blog it won't be my name she's spellin'...hahahahhhhahahah Anyway, how ridiculous and loserly is that?! Gosh, man...glad to see you didn't actually care, particularly when that little munchkin should have known better than to act like that!

- Cyet

Unknown said...

people are bugged....

Amadeo said...

It's funny how things change. I remember starting at Morgan and people who had never been cool with me wanted to hang because they didn't know anyone. Now folks either pretend that they don't know you or you were the greatest of friends.

Gina said...

You are obviously above and beyond where they are and will be...take courage in the fact that you remain true to you and your ideals!

msjaim said...

wsup sis? long time long see.. I hate to come off all funky, But I hate phoney B^%*&$% as well.. If anything she probably was ashamed that her BF was a fatty.. he he he

Anonymous said...

she rushed by you because she was embarassed....did you forget all about THE FOOTBALL TEAM BLOWJOB BLOWOUT party? remember now??? you had too much to drink that night and fell asleep. hell, girl, i have forgotten more than i have remembered.

Anonymous said...

Wow, if a person didn't know better, it would appear that you did care, considering how much time, effort, energy, and space you managed to waste on a seemingly insignificant occurrence. Are you sure you didn't misread her reaction? Didn't you say it was close to closing, maybe she was in a rush to get out and didn't want to inconvenience you as you probably had things to take care of as well. And what's with the dig at the boyfriend, what did he do to you? Too much hate in the world as is, shouldn't spend the energy to spread more.

Anonymous said...

Well Chris, you don't know better.

- Cyet

TiffJ said...

Hi Chris.
Thanks for reading my blog and commenting. I feel compelled to respond to your comment and make you aware that this is MY forum. Being that it is, I reserve the right to waste as much energy as I deem necessary to purge the things that I'd like to get out on here.

You weren't there. I was however, and I think I know when someone is going out of their way to snub me. Particularly since I nodded an acknowledgment to her and she looked away quickly, and rushed by and repeated the same childish behaviour during her exit. I'm not hateful... Impatient and antagonistic? Maybe. I'm more amused by her behaviour. This blog entry hardly constitutes my spreading hate. It takes two seconds to wave to someone you know, it's called MANNERS and common courtesy. I wasn't interested in catching up w/ her.

I would like to suggest that if my commentary offends you so, then keep it moving and don't "waste the energy" commenting.
Overall, I do appreciate you offering another perspective. I do, really. I do. ;o)

Anonymous said...

I really wasn't offended by your commentary, I was just noting the paradox between what you deem as an insignificant event and the amount of emotion you put forth in your writing. But then again, this is just another prime example of how seemingly small situations become completely blown out of proportion.

TiffJ said...

What can I say, I have a flair for the dramatic, I love it, it's great! Paradox noted, end of discussion. ;o)

P.S. I like the way you challenge the things I say on here. It's dead sexy!

Anonymous said...

Well, I try. I remember you from college, too bad we didn't have this sort of exchange then.

TiffJ said...

Hm. I actually figured you were someone from "that place" hahaha. I'm not surprised. Don't know who you may be or how you found this blog, but thanks for reading and offering your feedback.