Tea and Krumping?

While attending the 2005 Sundance Film Festival, I missed the debut of David LaChapelle's documentary, Rize. I just saw it on DVD. All I can say is, 'whoa'. The cinematography, the colors (I'm a film geek), the whole conception of an interpretive dance form, that allows young people to channel their rage and frustration in an artistic way... out of the need to escape the oppression, gang activity and drugs of the inner city has manifested itself into a wicked urban ballet of sorts. If you haven't seen it, rent it now and watch it. It's amazing. ... it was to me anyway.


emeralda said...

i will immediately. thanks for the tip. thats the sort of like i love


The Humanity Critic said...

When I first saw the trailers it seemed silly, but now that I keep hearing such great things abo9ut it I want to check it out.

Anonymous said...

The title for your post is priceless, gal! Tea and Krumping! Can't wait to go to EEEEEENNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDD (insert Whittey Hutton's voice here)with you someday soon!


msjaim said...

Hey.. I love Dave LaChapelle's racy ass photography... so I just knew the cinematography for this joint had to be of the scales...Im gonna check the movie out.

The_Practitioner said...

I saw the making of that movie. It seemed to be Krumptastic. You just reminded me to rent the DVD.

TiffJ said...

Hey all...
the movie really is good. When I missed it at Sundance, I sort of shrugged and figured I didn't miss much.
Needless to say, after having just watched this movie, I underestimated it.
I delves into what some of these kids are up against... and how they cope with growing up amidst violence and in some cases, broken homes. It's not just about the dance, but their personal stories.
Now that I have that Roger and Ebert moment out of the way...
Cat, when we touch ground in England, you better believe I'm yelling...
tee hee.

brooklyn babe said...

All I can say is that if I want to loose wait in a week, I need to get that DVD!

introspectre said...

I'll have to watch it.
I have to say, the cover itself is "a visual miracle". Shazam.

Bators of Granite said...

More Krumping and less pistol pumping. Clown teams in the highschool arena. Competitive but fun. That could be a start. Great Documentary. As my daughter would say "MO-AH"