Ladies and Gentlecats... Mom...

... I've arrived. I got a mention in the Hartford Courant's Northeast Magazine, this Sunday. I can't say that it's not a huge boost to this starving literary artist's confidence. As is this mention. Nothing will change, rest assured. Everything will remain the same. Thanks for showing an interest.


introspectre said...


Sheesh. I wanted to go boost my ego so I tried to google myself but it turns out Depeche Mode has a song called Introspectre and now there's a bajillion entires for "Introspectre" on google.


Amadeo said...

Don't pretend you don't know us know...

Unknown said...

all i ask is for a sister to remember me on my born day AND get us a phat present for our anniversary (9/15)

Unknown said...

to quote dude:
"Coffee Rhetoric does it better. "

uh oh... someone is shooked.

a blog historian? man i am in the wrong business. imagine how easy that would be...

but no a brother has to be a hopolologist... damn it


As a former newspaperman, Thibodeau is predictably critical of the way papers have responded to blogging. "They ask reporters to be bloggers. They are so utterly clueless," Thibodeau said. He thinks papers should instead be reaching out to bloggers who are likely to know their communities better than reporters. "Newspapers can give bloggers what they want, which is traffic." He said weblogs like his are emerging as ad hoc newspapers, with contributors who can match professionals in quality. "What's going on is people are beginning to specialize and writing about what they love," he said.

damn he just figure that out...?
thanks homie. its a dope piece, you repped for YOUR community