Just the mundane facts...

I've been extremely tired. Suffering from extraordinary fatigue, in fact. It seems as if the simplest things are a hardship, because I can't extricate myself from my pillow to do them. I keep saying that I'll take a bath, shave the naughty bits, pumice the back of my feet, etc. ... AFTER I take this one nap. I then wake up at around 3AM, brush teeth, wash face, and return to the sack, because who does these things at 3:00 in the morning, only to have to get up two hours later to shower for work? My life is replete with the mundane. Days meld together, and are indistinguishable. I can't seem to discern one day from the other. Hours, minutes, seconds... it's all the same difference to me. I feel like Christian Bale's character in The Machininst, except I don't suffer from extreme emaciation. Let's walk through the banal ensemble. Come home from work... Get settled. Hang up scarf and jacket, Disrobe and put on farting around clothes Stare off into space for 10 minutes. Maybe have glass of red. Read. Nod off. Read somemore. Write. Think. Nap. Awake at around 7 or 8pm Wrestle with brushing teeth and washing face... Determine that brushing teeth and washing face means turning in for the evening. Not ready quite yet, to turn in officially. Lay back down... Pop back up... Drink some coffee so that I can read s'more. I spilt coffee down my shirt. Crash. Repeat. Whatever... I'm exhausted.


Anonymous said...

You're exhausted because you were hootin' and hollerin' in the mean streets of Boston with me, dear! hahahahahaahahah I think that if you work and try to carry on from day to day that it's no wonder you're fatigued now. It comes in cycles. Don't worry...if you have enough energy to write you'll make it through! ;)

Amadeo said...

Try something new...and I don't mean career or anything Large and mundane. I mean a new purpose that's personal. That's the only thing that broke up my rut.

TiffJ said...

hahaha to Cat...
and Amadeo... good advice. I'll increase my wine intake.
tee hee.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, yes wine.. & some new music does it for me... Music & wine just to pass the time.. Monotony irks the shit outta me...
Hope all is well & that u havent ran into Butch Kassidy's pushy ass!!!!!!!!

msjaim said...

Um, thats me above..LOL