Oh, my GODDESS, this sucks...

This past Wednesday is one I'd rather, soon forget. It started out normal enough, but the last 50% of the day just spiraled out of control. I cannot, for the life of me think straight, or write coherently at this moment, so please pardon any babble-speak. Notwithstanding every sucky thing that has happened between the times of 2-5pm, I cannot think of anything else but the following... A woman, a member and patron of the museum where I work has my journal! My thoughts, notes, words, from the last 2-3 months ! Violated... being read at this very moment by a stranger! Right now, my thoughts are scattered like cremated remains. They may not make any sense. Red wine, no tea, nothing can console me right now until I get it back. Knowing that voyeuristic eyes are reading my ramblings... as illegible as they may be. There was just so much going on at that point. I didn't realize it was even out of my tote bag and on the desk. It was just so busy, I didn't have time to put it away. Right after I returned from lunch, I got on the ball. This woman gathered up her things, my journal amongst them. She called me about 2 hours later. "Hi, I was just there and I purchased some books from your gift shop. I was just going through my bag and I found a book." "Oka-ay." I say, still not comprehending. "Well, the cover says, oh, I can't pronouce it, but I think it says Le soleeel..." "Oh my goodness!" I exclaim. "Le Soleil Toute: L'ANNE SUR LA COTE D'AZUR. And it has a woman, with her arms open, welcoming the sun!. That's my journal!" "Oh, well, I found it. " she goes. "It's got a list of words and some other stuff in it." Okay, it was at that moment that my heart palpitated at a cacophonous beat. She read it. I've written in code, but she read it nevertheless. My personal work day musings, my favorite words I try to make a point to utilize in phrases and conversations (yes I'm a hip geek and somewhat of an etomologist), doodles, sayings, staff notes, blog drafts. The eagerness she showed in vowing to return it ASAP, has suddenly receded at hearing the frantic tone in my voice. "Well, I wont make any guarantees. But I will try to return it, you know, depending on traffic and all." With that, the conversations pretty much ended. I stood there, feeling dismayed and wanting to just leave at that point. She didn't try hard enough, because she never showed up and I went home, and am still here, typing this blog entry in replacement of the one I'd drafted, without my work journal. Sitting at home, nursing this half a glass of Sicilian red. My mind racing with visuals of her... sitting at home... toes spread, bespectacled, holding a cup of tea... reading, deciphering what I've written over the course of about 2 months. I need another glass of wine! ...


emeralda said...

ohhhhh! i am so sorry for you!!!!
if this would happen to me...i don't know.........if someone attempts to read my diary it feels worse than being stripped. its exactly what you mean > they even might not understand and thats all the worse...
hope you get it back sooon!!!
and i ll keep track of your blog...

Unknown said...

i have three personal journals. one for myself, and one for each of my younger children.

i have misplaced them many of times. its all love. don't sweat it.

Anonymous said...

Dude, that blows! If it's not one annoyance it's another! The cool thing is you have a plethora of interesting and amazing thoughts so you will live to journal another day! I know you'll have some pretty crazy tales in future entries!

;) Cat

TiffJ said...

Piranha: I know what you mean. A diary is composed of words, thoughts that you can't say out loud. That's why I have one specifically for work. To think, someone was sniffing around in there. Oh well, will teach me to be more conscietious.

Ms. World: I tried to track the biddy down, to no avail. Luckily she brought it back, because it was under the desk when I got to work today (Saturday). I'm sure my co-workers and super nosed around in there. I hope they found some unappealing stuff too... provided they did.

Brother omi: Thanks for hte words of encouragement, but it still sucks nevertheless. Now that I have it back, I am over it. But I wont be using this one anymore. It's been tainted with prying eyes. hahahaha
P.S. pure coolage as far you having journals for each of your young ones. What a neat and clever idea.

Cat: Um, you know I do. My head is swimming with all sort or stuff. tee hee.

emeralda said...

well, happy to hear its back. if it could read thoughts it would be quite exciting to talk to it, no???

hey brother OMI! my mom also had a journal for me and it is such a blessing to read stuff in there now, as a 'grown up' (chmchm)...it has the power to reconnect to a time which you did not live as consciously as now...

ahhh i love to be able to share these things in the bloggersphere. strange huh???@!!!