Wax ... and "He's just not that into you"

Wax If Jimi says he's a Voodoo Child, then I'm Isis and Hathor is my confidant. My glower freezes you, but despite the chill of my gaze you begin to liquefy into a sticky puddle that hardens at once, like candle wax. I've worked a root, dispossessing you of those things, you consider most crucial to your masculinity- but, where's your heart? You've melted, but I can't see your heart amid the composition of this sad requiem. I see nondescript colors of gray and insipid hints of pinkishness, no pulsating shades of red. I stand here holding your severed pieces, but I am reluctant in this reconstruction. You once told me that you left your heart in your favorite suit o' arms... Now I frantically search the armor, only finding a soul that's empty and sold to the highest bidder. I drop your distored pieces. I search the cards for answers... I look to Hathor for answers... The Lovers, The Magician, The Fool, The High Priestess... Hathor places her hand on my shoulder reassuringly. I am Isis, the stitch that held the seam of us. I cut the thread. ©Coffey/Coffee Rhetoric
Well, that is one of my literary works of art. I am getting back to posting some of my work on the web. My blog is perfect for that. I wrote this one in college... about 4 years ago. Anyway, I have been sort of taking a look at this book that's out called, "He's Just Not That Into You" by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo. It's supposed to be normal speak/translation if you will, of what guys really mean, for single girls... to help us figure out why guys are chicken and don't have the twig and berries to tell us they aren't interested. It offers "standard raising suggestions" such as how we can alter our dating vocab for words such as "bad boy" and presents neat little Cosmo-ish multiple choice tests such as "I will not go out with a man who... a) keeps me waiting by the phone, b) Is not sure he wants to date me... so on and so forth. Greg also suggests that anytime a guy claims to be sooo busy, which was why it took him a month to call you back, he's lying. He suggests that unless he's the President, no guy is too busy to call, and that if he likes you, he will MAKE time. He says the guy is just simply not into you...
"If a guy thinks you're worth it, he will do whatever is necessary if he thinks you're worth it. Because he raised the bar and he wants to raise the bar to meet you where you are, if he thinks you're worth it. If he doesn't then he doesn't. He's just not that into you..."
etc etc. Gee, too bad I wasn't thinking this way allll aloong. (insert eyeroll and yawn). Now, the book is witty enough and I suppose it's a funny read for single girls who come away from a great date feeling baffled as to why we didn't get a call back, but I would take everything Greg is saying with a grain of salt. I suppose some insecure twats need someone to reiterate this shit in harsh-speak for them to truly grasp the fact that a guy don't like their asses. And probably wont EVER call, despite the fact that a whole year has passed them by. While the book is quirky and presents some blatant truths, I feel like this guy is insulting my (our) intelligence. I would hate to think that Greg believes that ALL women are stupid and naive enough to actually CARE that a guy hasn't called us back, and that we actually sit by the phone, wasting away hours at a time, rocking back and forth in a corner somewhere. This is just simply not the case. Not all women have low self-esteem... I know I don't give a donkey's shit if I don't get a call back. I may shrug and say, "Well, the date went well... or perhaps it didn't... his loss" and I move the fuck on. Women tend to be very intuitive and can pick up when a guy is not that interested... I know I can. Those who have some idea, but refuse to acknowledge that a guy is dissing them by not calling, need to take a train back from the Island of D.Nile and get a clue. Guys who can't be straight forward are insecure and have low self-esteem. Women who refuse to acknowledge that they aren't wanted probably don't have anything else better to do than to sit by the phone and sniffle, wondering what's wrong with them... when nothing is probably wrong with them. I have more pressing matters to preoccupy my thoughts... like where the hell is my other square earring hoop... I just bought them!?! And issues of the like. Anyway, the book is funny enough, I would save my 14 dollars though and read the free excerpts on amazon.com (or check it out of the library). This guy isn't really saying anything we aren't already aware of. I do applaud his efforts though. Anyway, it's dead and quiet where I am, I'm bored and sexless and am feeling uninspired. I miss summer already... *sigh*

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